Cozy Comfort on Blustery Days

Weekend winter days allow me to have time to paint, read, write, cook, and nap.  All the things I enjoy and need to nourish my spirit.  This weekend I spent most of my time reading, writing, and napping.  I was slow to rise and allowed myself a late start.  When I emerged from the layers of comforters, I went right to the stove to put on a kettle for tea and a pot of water for making oatmeal. 

The Light Still Shines

When December comes, the light in the sky dwindles; days are shorter and night is longer. We walk in the dark now with the cold settling deep in our bones.  It is dark by 4 o’clock, and we still feel like we have the whole day ahead of us, but the light is gone and with it our energy.

Autumn Affinity

Autumn is a season of loss. The leaves change color, dry, and fall from their branches. The trees become temporary skeletons and the sky turns smoky gray. There is a quietness that settles in like the cold. It is a time to go inward, to remember and to be grateful.