January Watercolor

of spring, I love the crisp, clean colors of winter.  The cold air seems to freeze every form in place: the red berries on the evergreens, the sleek black of the crows, and the silver icicles hanging from rooftops. I want to capture these images in watercolor, but I haven’t painted in a long time. 

Celebration in the Wonder Studio: Lunar New Year

This week, I added a box in the shape of a dragon’s head to celebrate Lunar New year.  I quickly cut the box to look like a dragon with a wide pointed-tooth grin.  The girls collected some found objects to make the dragon’s eyes, nostrils, and teeth.  Then we all took turns collaging bright colored tissue paper all over the head in layers upon layers.  Once completed, the dragon would be hung right outside their classrooms to celebrate Lunar New Year.

Be the Flower

I went searching for solace this week.  I went hunting for answers.  I found them in the form of flowers and poetry. Once destroyed, lives cannot be put back together.  Some things cannot be made whole again. But I believe that the solution for violence must be in a turn towards nature, towards beauty, towards the preciousness of life.  Consider the flower.